Delegate Information
Welcome, Yale Model Congress delegates!
On this page, you’ll find information that will help you prepare for a successful conference experience. Read the Delegate Code of Conduct, explore the information on Special Committees, and be sure to brush up on Robert’s Rules of Order!
Full Session and Luggage LOCATIONS:
Full Session Locations for 12/8
Luggage Holding Rooms
BLUE House: Omni George
BLUE Senate: WLH 208
RED House: Omni College
RED Senate: LC 102
PURPLE House: Omni Wooster
PURPLE Senate: WLH 116
Ballroom D
Chapel C (if needed)
Preparing for the Conference
Financial Aid
Special Programs
Code of Conduct
Preparing for the Conference
Bill Writing
Want tips and tricks on writing a good bill for YMC? See Tips for Bill Writing in our Guide to Yale Model Congress 2024.
When you write your bill, use this template. Please do not change the format to Pages or any word processor other than Word.
View sample bills here.
Upload your final bills, made with the YMC template format before Friday, November 8th, 11:59 PM ET to the google form. This form will be active in mid-October for the upcoming 2024 conference.
Summary of Committee Debate Structure
Yale Model Congress Committee Selection Form will be available shortly.
I. Structured Debate
A. Primary Speeches: 1 pro / 1 con, 4 min. each
(Note: the first 4 min. pro-speech is given by the author of the bill. Delegates are encouraged to practice this “authorship speech” beforehand).
B. Secondary Speeches: 1 pro / 1 con, 2 min. each
Speakers may yield their remaining time to the chair or to questions.
II. General Debate
After the first four speeches, structured debate ends and general debate begins. In general debate, speeches are up to 2 minutes long and alternate between pro and con. Speakers may yield their time to the chair, to questions, or to one other speaker.
III. Amendments
A. Structured Debate: 1 pro/1 con, 2 min. Each
B. General Debate: 2 pro/2 con, 1 min. each
Debate on an amendment will take place during general debate if the proposed amendment is seconded and deemed unfriendly by the bill’s sponsor.
Robert’s Rules of Order
Click here to access Robert’s Rules Of Order.
Financial Aid (Delegates)
Delegates can apply for financial aid to cover the delegation fee. Delegates should fill out the financial aid application and select what types of aid they would like to apply for. Delegates should use the further information section to explain their desire to attend Yale Model Congress. Forms must be submitted by October 11 at 11:59 pm ET for Round I applications and November 1 at 11:59 pm ET for Round II applications. If you do not receive confirmation that we have received your application, you will not be considered for financial aid. Delegates who apply for financial aid receive an additional two weeks to pay their delegate fee.
Financial Aid Decision Process
Yale Model Congress will decide financial aid awards by October 14th at 11:59 pm ET for Round I applications and November 4th at 11:59 pm ET for Round II applications at the latest and notify applicants and their advisors of our decision by email. Decisions are based on demonstrated need, desire to attend the conference, and prospective benefits of attendance. Depending on the delegate’s application, we may award partial or full delegate fee waivers.
Receiving Financial Aid
Delegate fee waivers are processed immediately.
Special Programs
Presidential Cabinet
Presidential Cabinet Application is now OPEN. LINK HERE!!
The experience provided by the Presidential Cabinet differs substantially from the rest of YMC’s committees. In House and Senate committees, delegates are expected to compose bills, debate and pass them in committee, and push for their enactment in full sessions. On the other hand, the mission of the Presidential Cabinet is to set an agenda for the Presidency by establishing departmental budgets, consider legislation, and respond to any crises that may threaten the nation. In committee, members of the cabinet will be expected to work towards these goals by collaboratively developing the nation’s budgetary agenda, sign or veto passed bills, and respond to any crises.In order to provide a realistic simulation of the workings of the cabinet, Presidential Cabinet members are expected to have a strong familiarity with their position and the current U.S. political climate. For example, the Secretary of Energy should understand the position’s jurisdiction and objectives while understanding how their agenda interacts with that of other cabinet members.
I strongly encourage anyone interested in the Presidential Cabinet program to apply! While at first it may seem more challenging than most Model Congress committees, I promise you that the Presidential Cabinet will provide you with an invaluable, rewarding, and most importantly, fun experience. I look forward to working with you in December!
Supreme Court
Supreme Court Application is now OPEN. LINK HERE!!
While most YMC committees aim to debate and pass legislation, the Supreme Court program presents its members with the daunting—yet inarguably fun—task of arguing the nation’s most important legal cases. The Supreme Court seeks to uphold the nation’s judicial system and interpret the law and its application. At the Yale Model Congress, members’ experience will be no different. Prior to the conference, members of the court will receive case briefs for the cases that will be debated during the conference. It will be a delegate’s responsibility to complete the necessary preparations, which include reading the briefs and developing oral arguments for them. During committee sessions, for each case, members of the court will be assigned the role of petitioner, respondent, or justice, and will debate cases accordingly. Members of the court may also be asked to uphold or strike down legislation authored by their fellow delegates in the House and Senate that could be unconstitutional.
If you are interested in being a part of the Supreme Court program this year, I strongly encourage you to apply! Compared to most YMC committees, more preparation will be required of you prior to the conference, however, I promise that you will be rewarded with challenging and educational debate that will bring the best out of you. I look forward to working with you in December!
The deadline to apply for a special program will be NOVEMBER 8, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET.
For more specific questions regarding special programs, please reach out to specialprograms@yalemodelcongress.org
Code of Conduct
Click here to access the Code of Conduct.